Chaos Theory Test Site

This is my linkable blog. Here lie assorted ideas, rants and ramblings that I can't seem not to write.

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Location: Victoria, Australia

This blog is a result of my wanting to share and exchange ideas with others, without cluttering up their blogs with my lengthy replies or necessarily having to exchange email details. Probably I'm nowhere near as angsty as I sound in some of my posts here. I promise I'm really pretty mellow. Honest.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Paranoid Ramblings: Code Merlot

I'd be surprised if among the differential scenarios following 9/11, there was not the possibility that the US would become a magnet for every lunatic - group or individual - that had ever held a grudge against it. A wave of terrorist attacks - some blatantly state sponsored - might ensue, if the US were seen to be wounded.

So how to respond?

Maybe - and it may just be the wine talking (It really is some seriously funky wine, it might ...speak)


1) go after the perpetrators. (alright, so you'd need a dust-vac to get the actual perpetrators, but you know what I mean) The nation of the perpetrators. Show the world that military force will be brought to bear against some connections of identifiable groups responsible for striking the US, even up to the scale of a nation.

2) start a genuine unjust and controversial war to draw the loonies and the scandal away from the vulnerable homeland. "Look!" *points* *Elvis!" So the War on Terror, striking against non-existent WMD's may have been a case of picking the least sympathetic country that could usefully be made war on...

Just a thought.


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